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Chosen Page 10

  “Then how are we ever going to get Jon out of there?” Gwen gaped at Master Brok. She assumed he would sweep into the palace, glare daggers at the queen and demand the return of Jon, and the queen would bring Jon directly to Brok, humbly apologizing for ever carrying the boy off. Now the idea of Jon's return seemed impossible. She felt tears sting her eyes as she imagined all of the horrible things being done to Jon this very minute.

  “We will get Jon back, child. It just may take a bit of…hmmm, hhhmmm…our being covert about it.” Truth be told, Master Brok was worried. Queen Cheye had gone to great lengths to obtain Jon and she might not give him up easily.

  He must be rescued, whatever the cost.

  * * *

  The ride to Siswae was uneventful, though exhausting. The Chosen found themselves dropping off to sleep as soon as they dismounted, only to be awakened a few short hours later. They dozed in the saddle and ate in the saddle. The four grew to loathe the saddle. Only Master Brok seemed unaffected by the arduous ride. He was the first up and the last asleep. The antics of the urgit, whom Kaelin called Moira, helped keep their spirits up. They loved to watch her hold food in her chubby paws, looking just like a small child. She would stuff her cheek pouches full and then retire onto Kaelin's shoulder to eat at her leisure. Every now and again, she couldn't eat all of the delicious treats in her cheeks. The urgit would leap onto a tree, scamper down, and bury her food in a hole dug in the ground. Kaelin wondered if the urgit planned on digging up her stores on the return trip.

  While she would visit the other Chosen and ride on their shoulders for a time, she always came back to Kaelin. The two had formed a bond, much like the village children did with their dogs and cats.

  The smell of the ocean assailed their nostrils as they approached Siswae. They could hear the sound of gulls, as well as the pounding of the surf against the cliffs below the city. The air was chill, as the wind blew across the ocean water. The five travelers pulled their cloaks tight around themselves.

  They topped a rise and stopped, marveling at the city sprawled before them. Every building and wall was made of white stone, and the roofs were made of red tile. The palace of the queen stretched along the cliff face. It had hundreds of towers and turrets, some square, some round, some octagonal. The palace was surrounded on three sides by high stone walls constructed of huge blocks of white stone. There was one wooden gate, heavily guarded.

  “The palace alone is larger than our whole village!” Keera shook her head in wonder.

  “And most of it lies unused. Each queen adds to the palace, thus creating this sprawling metropolis.” Brok shook his head in disgust. “The people are taxed near to death to pay for it and many are forced from their land to make room for the expanding castle.”

  Kaelin couldn't help but be awed by the sight, even after hearing about the plight of the people of Siswae. She could only imagine what sort of luxuries the castle must hold.

  I bet they have a bathhouse. She longed to lounge in a bubble bath, having her hair and body scrubbed with the finest scented soaps. She could almost feel the soft towels, warmed by the fire, draped over her bare skin. The servants would pour her a goblet of warm cider before fetching a sleeping gown of the softest silk. She would retire to a giant four poster bed and fall asleep under the weight of the down comforter.

  “Listen children. Once inside the city, you must only speak when spoken to and keep your eyes averted at all times.” Brok gazed at each of his students. “A wrong move here can mean death to us all. I do not want to have to fight our way out of the city unless absolutely necessary.” Brok looked at Keera last. The girl's temper could get them into serious trouble.

  The five turned their horses toward the main road into Siswae and loped down the hill. The young people kept their heads down, terrified to look anywhere except at their horse's head. Brok kept his eyes averted for the most part, glancing up now and again to get his bearings. He was grateful that his teacher back on Gentra forced him to memorize the maps of the major cities of Astra. At the time, he hadn't thought it necessary. He figured he would be in Heart Stone until the signs appeared, and then he and the Chosen would make their way to the portal cave. It appears I was mistaken.

  Brok made directly for the palace. He decided against finding an inn. Time was running out. He wanted to get Jon out as quickly as possible so they could head for home.

  “State your business, old man,” one large man said blandly, eyes looking past the group.

  Brok dismounted and bowed deeply before the palace guards. Both men were large and muscular, their oiled skin shining in the sun. He wondered absently if these two were the ones who had kidnapped Jon.

  “If it please you, I request an audience with her greatness, Queen Cheye, the first of her name, blessed Light of Siswae, if it please you.” Brok's words were tinted with the Siswaean accent.

  Saemus had to bite his cheek to keep from laughing out loud. Master Brok's obsequious manner was so out of character. Saemus glanced at the others and gave Keera a sharp shake of his head as he saw her open her mouth.

  The guards snapped their fingers and a small man, dressed in simple white robes, came scuttling up to the party.

  “I will take your request to her greatness, Queen Cheye, the first of her name. Wait here until I return.” His manner brooked no argument. He scuttled off and disappeared into the palace. The students and Master Brok stood quietly, staring at the ground, scuffling their feet as they waited for the servant. No one dared to ask what would happen if the Queen refused an audience with them.

  The little man returned, walking even more quickly than he had before.

  “Right this way please.” The man hurried ahead of the horses. “The grooms will take your animals.”

  The group followed the servant on foot, careful to keep their eyes averted. Brok glanced up to see where the horses were being led. The stables stood inside the gates and were manned by only a few grooms and stable boys.

  “Please take off your shoes and leave them here.” The little bald man indicated a series of shelves against one wall. “I will return with water for the ritual foot washing.”

  The group sat on a long wooden bench. Saemus took the opportunity to speak. “Master Brok, why do we bow to the elite guards?”

  “The elite guards have special status here in Siswae. They are the only men to have any sort of power. It only extends so far. They are still below even the poorest woman in the country, and it is only other men and visitors who have to accord them any deference.”

  “Well, I think it is ridiculous! Why should we have to bow and scrape to these people? The Village Council would never expect this kind of treatment,” Keera whispered furiously.

  “We are in their country and we must abide by their customs. That is the way of things,” Brok told her sharply.

  The return of the servant cut off the conversation. He had a bowl of warm water and rough cloth. He scrubbed their feet until they were red and raw.

  “Please come this way.” The little man led the party down a long corridor. The entire palace was constructed of white marble, floor to ceiling. The floors were covered with thick carpets. Large tapestries and paintings adorned the walls. All along the walls were vases, some as tall as a man and others as small as a thimble. They were made of clay, porcelain, and other materials that the students could not identify. Some were inlaid with gold, silver, copper, other metals, and still others were covered with precious stones and jewels. Some of the more rare and valuable treasures sat in recessed shelves, high above the heads of the people passing. Tables, inlaid with gold and stones, also held an array of pottery, vases, and statues.

  The students recognized most of the work as being from the Blasted Lands. The wealth displayed here was enough to make some of them feel a little ill. Kaelin stared at the beautiful decorations with a dreamy look on her face, picturing them in her own lavish palace. Keera looked around at the opulence with a disgusted look on her face, wondering why one wom
an needed to have so much stuff. Saemus wondered at the history of each piece, who made it, where it originated. Gwen stayed near the center of the corridor, terrified that her rolling gait would cause her to stumble into a table, knocking over one of the precious vases or sculptures. “You are most fortunate. You are to be allowed to converse with her Grace while she entertains in her Enchanted Pools. Oh, most fortunate indeed!” The little man gushed. He stayed one step ahead of the group, head turned slightly to address them.

  The walk seemed endless. The halls were silent as the group hurried through unoccupied parts of the palace. The surf echoed as it crashed on the rocks hundreds of feet below.

  The servant turned down another hallway and stopped before a set of mahogany doors, highly polished. He lifted the brass knocker, let it fall, and stepped back. The doors opened, making absolutely no sound as they swung outward.

  The man moved aside and bowed deeply, indicating the five should enter the room. Brok thanked him and walked through the doorway.

  The room consisted of several different pools of water, separated by marble walkways. The water in each pool was a different color: pale pink, red, blue, green, yellow, orange, white, black, violet. On the far side of the room, a group of people stood in the green pool.

  And standing on the walkway in front of the green pool, wearing nothing but a white loincloth, was Jon Stone.

  He was reciting one of Astra's best loved tales, that of the brave Lady Arie. His voice echoed in the room, seeming to fill every space. Brok recognized magic. The boy had learned how to perform spells without using the spoken word. There was a strange element to the magic that Brok could not identify. His brow furrowed in puzzlement. It was familiar somehow, and the memory of it teased like a lover's touch.

  The people in the water squealed in delight. Then they exited the green pool, walked across the walkway, and entered the black pool.

  Jon continued the saga of the Lady Arie. The story was taking a dark turn. The Barbarian horde was attacking and the Lady Arie was mustering forces to meet the attack.

  Brok's eyes widened as the people in the pool cried out in fright and terror. They shivered and thrashed in the water, almost as if they could feel the horror that Lady Arie had felt at seeing the army attacking her homeland. They groped for one another and huddled together.

  Jon was somehow using a spell that allowed one to experience what the hero of the story was feeling, placing the listener inside the story. Each pool provided different sensations: touch, sight, and sound, all with the intention of allowing the folk inside the water a most unique storytelling experience.

  There's something off about the magic the boy is using. Think, old man!

  Brok became aware of the sudden silence. He looked back towards the black pool. Jon had spotted them and had stopped speaking. Though he tried hard to school his features to stillness, a flicker of recognition and emotion passed across Jon's face.

  “Ah, I have visitors! How delightful!” A slender woman emerged from the black pool. A male servant draped her nude body with a white robe. She glided across the walkway to an elegant padded chair, placed at the front of the room. She lounged and reached out her slender arm to take a golden goblet full of wine. The male servant brushed out her damp, chestnut hair. The guests exited the pool and retired to an antechamber to await the Queen.

  Queen Cheye, the first of her name, blessed Light of Siswae, was a stunningly beautiful woman. She oozed grace and poise. She had green eyes and lush, pouty, red lips. For all her beauty and sensuous allure, there was also an aura of power surrounding her. Gwen despaired of ever getting Jon out of her clutches. “Most humble greetings to the light of Siswae, if it please you.” Brok prostrated himself in front of the queen. The other four quickly followed suit.

  “You are a Mystic.” She glanced with obvious disdain at his shabby robes. “What brings you to the capitol city of Siswae?” She gave Brok a hard look.

  “We have heard of these magnificent pools, even in our small village, and we wished to gaze upon them. These young people under my tutelage,” Brok indicated the four kneeling to either side of him. “They were eager to see more of the world beyond their tiny village. You see—”

  “Stop.” Queen Cheye fixed Brok with a cold, hard stare. “Your pathetic attempt at lying has failed.” She took a long sip of wine, her eyes glued to his over the rim of the goblet.

  “Lies, your Grace? I don't—”

  “Do you really think me stupid, old man? I noticed the looks shared between you and my new pet.” She smiled at that last word, her lips curving in a sensuous grin. “You share the same accent as well.” She sat forward, all hint at sexual playfulness toward her pet gone. Her eyes blazed green fury.

  “I remember the day young Jon was brought to me.” She crooked a finger at Jon Stone and he obediently shuffled to her side. She traced a red-lacquered fingernail down his bare, oiled chest and smiled as he flinched slightly. “Oh he was quite feisty at first, but he soon came to realize that obeying my every whim was most wise. I have spent much time training him in the arts I desire. I have it on very good authority that there's something special about this young man. And as everyone knows, I desire things that are unique and…special.”

  Brok held his face still as stone. She can't know his true identity! There's more to this than Jon just being Chosen.

  Gwen felt a rush of anger and embarrassment at seeing this lush queen running her fingers over Jon's bare chest. His work in the fields over the years had hardened his muscles. Gwen gulped as she found herself staring at his near-naked body, his skin glistening in the light of the torches. She wanted to claw the queen's eyes out of her head.

  “Jon is mine and here he will stay.” She snapped her fingers and three guards appeared from a recessed area behind where she sat perched on the edge of her chair. “Leave Siswae, never to return. If you are seen anywhere in the city come morning, you will all be killed.”

  Two guards grabbed the young villagers, one in each hand, and hauled them roughly to their feet. Kaelin tried not to cry out in terror, else the Queen decide to kill them all immediately. Saemus had to use every ounce of willpower to prevent himself from unleashing his magic on the Queen and her guards. He knew he could never take them all out and one alarm was all it would take for the five from Heart Stone to be surrounded by more guards. The third grabbed Master Brok and smiled as the old man tried to wrench his arm out of the vice-like grip of the elite guard. No one said a word as they were hauled unceremoniously to the front gate. Their horses were already waiting.

  “Remember the words of her Grace. Leave the city, or be dead by dawn.” The guards stood with arms crossed over their oiled, muscular chests and stared coldly at the villagers.

  Brok's blood boiled with suppressed fury. His eyes blazed as he mounted Midnight. The Chosen climbed on their horses. Brok led them away from the palace at a quick trot. He snarled as he averted his eyes, wishing he were anywhere else so he could glare his wrath at passersby. His anger and frustration threatened to overwhelm him.

  He led the students to an inn near the palace. Brok secured two rooms and herded the young people into a private dining room to eat supper and decide on a plan of action.

  “Do you think the queen is having us followed and watched?” Saemus asked, his hands steepled under his chin.

  Brok harrumphed. “That blasted woman has probably put us from her thoughts completely.” Brok took a large bite of bread slathered with butter and berry jam. “She thinks me servile and weak, leaving the city with my tail between my legs.” His eyes shone like blue steel. “Her arrogance will be her undoing.”

  “So you don't intend to leave without Jon?” Gwen felt hope rise in her heart. The sight of him in the loincloth had made the blood rush to her cheeks. I will not leave him here to be man-handled by that woman!

  “Dear Spirits, of course not child!” Brok snapped. “But I had to have Her Grace thinking us as lowly villagers, scared into obedience. The fact tha
t she sent no guards to make sure we left the city speaks volumes of her absolute surety that her wishes will be obeyed.”

  “What do you intend to do? And more importantly, how do we help?” Saemus met Brok's gaze levelly. “You cannot do this alone. You will need our help.”

  Brok made to argue and then clamped his mouth shut. He did need help, he knew it, and he knew they knew it. Events were spinning out of his control. He was proposing using four of the Chosen to save the fifth in a daring rescue that could leave them all dead. He tried to think of some way to rescue Jon alone, but could think of none. If there was any hope of rescuing Jon, he would need the help of his students.

  “In order to determine exactly where Jon is located, I will need to perform a spell with which you are not familiar.” The other students looked stunned. “The spell involves my spirit leaving my body for a short time. I will be invisible, and can search the castle for Jon. You four will have to keep watch. I will be helpless until my spirit returns.”

  “Searching the entire palace will take all night!” Keera sat back in her chair, fuming. “We were told to be gone by morning!” She couldn't help but be furious at Jon. If he had only stayed in Heart Stone where he belonged, none of them would be facing certain death in attempting his rescue.

  Brok frowned at her outburst. “I will need the combined powers of Saemus and Kaelin to aid in the creating of a charm to allow me to locate Jon quickly.” The villagers filed out of the dining room, Brok giving the innkeep a few coins for his trouble, and made their way to the rooms on the second floor. An adjoining door connected the two rooms. Once everyone had had a chance to freshen up, Master Brok and Saemus joined the girls in their room, as it was the larger of the two.

  “Fetch me my saddle bag, child.” Kaelin jumped to obey.

  Brok opened the bag and drew out Jon's Mystic robes. His hand went into the bag again and came out with his herb box. Brok murmured to himself as he laid out Jon's robes on the floor and sprinkled them with various herbs and ointments that he pulled from the wooden box. The students watched, fascinated. They recognized most of the herbs that Brok crushed and sprinkled on the garment, but they had never seen them used together in such a fashion before. The smell that arose from the garment was pungent, but not altogether unpleasant.